The Drum Horse is a selectively bred heavy riding horse derived from the Shire, Clydesdale, and Gypsy Horse breeds. To maintain breed integrity, the Gypsy Horse component must be between 6.25% and 50%. Horses exceeding these limits are categorized under the Foundation Drum Book. The Drum Horse Society maintains three Stud Books:
- Foundation Horse Book: Purebred (registered) Clydesdale, Shire, or Gypsy Horse, or a Shire-Clydesdale cross.
- Heritage Horse Main Book: Horses with Clydesdale and/or Shire lineage where Gypsy blood exceeds 50% or falls below 6.25%.
- Drum Horse Book: Horses with Clydesdale and/or Shire lineage containing 6.25%–50% Gypsy blood.
- Part-Bred Drum Book: One Parent is registered Drum in the main book. Other is light stock.
Both Books below- Foundation Stock B Book and Drum Horse B Book are pending registration until the Board approves on type. For
more information please see the registration instructions.
- *Foundation Stock, B Book: (Gypsy, Clydesdale or Shire of unknown parentage):
- *Drum Horse, B Book: Horses with a combination of gypsy, Clydesdale, or shire where both parents are unkown.
Drum Horse Book: Horses with Clydesdale and/or Shire lineage containing 6.25%–50% Gypsy blood.
Breed Purpose
The Drum Horse is designed as an athletic, agile heavy horse, excelling in various ridden disciplines. Inspired by the ceremonial horses carrying kettledrums in the Queen of England’s cavalry, the breed combines strength, versatility, and elegance.

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